Coast to Coast

Across the continent...

In July and August 2002 McBear, Roger and Olivia went through 17 states: From New York on the east coast to California on the west coast.

Click the map to enlarge it and check out our route

Washington D.C.

Here is Roger in front of the White House. Roger had anticipated the president would have invited us for coffee, but when Roger knocked the door, they told him the president unfortunately wasn't at home...

Memphis, Tennessee

In Memphis we went to Graceland to visit Elvis' home. We were delighted to walk Teddy Bear Lane!

New Orleans, Louisiana

On July 20th we reached New Orleans and we went by the old riverboat, Natchez. One evening, our humans went to the voodoo museum, uhhh, scary...!
We stayed at home, you know, somebody had to guard our room...

Carlsbad, New Mexico

We went to see the Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. The Stalagmites and stalagtites are amazing. Roger got a cowboyhat in Nashville, Tennessee, and soon McBear and Olivia also got hats.

Monument Valley, Arizona

In Arizona we entered the vast Navajo Tribe reservation, where The famous Monument Valley is located.

Grand Canyon, Arizona

Grand Canyon is incredible! It was so deep ... and wide ... and hot!

The MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada

We reached Las Vegas late July. When Roger discovered the MGM Grand, the world's largest hotel, he got delighted as MGM is a movie company just like Dreamworks, which did Roger's movie.

The MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada

This is the famous MGM Lion, you know, you hear it when all of their movies start out.... roar! McBear got sentimental as the lion reminded him of Leo, the president of TARG back home in Glostrup.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Olivia told Roger not to gamble, but Roger said, he knows all about casinos - and lost all his cash before long!

He got annoyed when the management refused him credit...

Death Valley, Califonia

From Las Vegas we moved on to the Death Valley. This is the second hottest place on Earth. One of our humans took off his T-shirt so we didn't get our bums burned while he was taking the photo. The temperature reached 118 Fahrenheit - almost 48 degrees Centrigrade!!!!

Groveland, Califonia

After visiting the Yosemite National Park - where we didn't see a single bear!!!! - we drove on to Groveland. Here, Roger - in spite of Olivia's warnings - climbed some wooden bears. Roger said, the bears could do with some intelligent company, and he was convinced they must have heard of him. McBear said he heard one of bears giggling.

Groveland, Califonia

We slept in a sleeping bag - to Roger's regret. He claimed he was entitled to a suite in Waldorf Astoria or something similar. Olivia said this was similar...

San Francisco, Califonia

As we reached the harbour in San Francisco, Roger got sentimental as the tall ships reminded him of his past as a polar bear on the seven seas. Olivia - to our surprise - also got sentimental, but then again she was born on Ulysses in the Irish Sea.

San Francisco, Califonia

In USA we enjoyed breakfast with bagels and coffee at Starbucks many mornings. Well, Roger claimed it wasn't like the breakfast at Waldorf Astoria...

Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean...

On the return flight we had a seat on a huge Jumbo jet. Roger said he was used to travelling business class...

Check out the map of America

#Teddy Bears
#Toy Animals
#New York

© 2025 Travelling Bears - Finglas East, Dublin, Ireland -    Rev. Feb 16, 2020

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